DCEF Mission Statement
The Davidson County Education Foundation is a non-profit, 501c (3), volunteer organization dedicated to the enrichment and support of educational opportunities in Davidson County Schools.
Our mission is to provide and support innovative programs that benefit the students of Davidson County. The DCEF organizes and sponsors programs such as the Bernard H. Thomas Student Leadership Academy, Students Teaching and Reaching for Success Academy (STARS), Project Potential Scholarships, Endowed Scholarships, Teacher Mini-Grants and our annual ‘Run Friends Run’ 5k walk/run event on the first Saturday in October.
History of Davidson County Education Foundation
Lexington businessman Bernard Hylton Thomas and several Davidson County residents who were committed to raising the level of community involvement in Davidson County schools founded the Davidson County Education Foundation in November 1991. The Foundation was chartered with the state of North Carolina March 16, 1992.
Bernard and his wife Martha had four children, three daughters: Sally, Margaret and Ruth and a son, Radford. Two of their four children, Margaret, and Radford have served as Board Members on the DCEF’s Board. Their third daughter, Ruth, attended the Children’s Center, now Stoner-Thomas School that was partially named for Bernard and Martha Thomas. The school was also named for Paul G. Stoner, Sr. and his wife Ruth who was a strong advocate for the mentally handicapped in Davidson County and in North Carolina. The Stoners also had a mentally handicapped daughter, although she never attended the Children’s Center.
In 1992, Bernard Thomas spoke with DCS Superintendent Max Walser and expressed his desire to establish a foundation for the Children’s Center. Dr. Walser, being an advocate for the entire school system and having an ability to see the total education picture in the county, suggested to Bernard that he pursue a foundation for the school system, assuring him that any specific wishes he had for the Children’s Center could be fulfilled under the larger umbrella.
So, Bernard called upon approximately 20 of his closest friends in the county, told them what he had in mind, and invited them to dinner at the DCS Administrative Center’s board room. They came. Presenters from the Rowan schools’ foundation and the Person County schools’ foundation presented information that proved helpful in beginning the process of organization, bylaws, articles of incorporation and pursuit of 501c (3) status. Those present agreed to serve as the organizational board for one year and as part of their work, put a future board in place according to by-laws.
DCEF received 501c (3) status, that among other things, allows citizens’ donations to be tax exemptions according to appropriate laws.
Board Members serve a 3-year term with the option to serve a second 3-term. After 6 consecutive years, they rotate off. Each member serving the vision that Bernard Thomas and the founders had in mind that night in the boardroom. Bernard passed away in 1993. He left a legacy of volunteer spirit that continues to propel the foundation year after year through the operation of various programs, scholarships, 2 summer academies, mini-grants, and fundraisers.
The Davidson County Education Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt foundation. It has one paid Administrative Director. Donations are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.
Gifts may include cash or stock, real estate, appreciated assets or gifts in kind. Community citizens are urged to plan with their personal accountants and attorneys to include the Foundation in their estate plans and plans for giving.
Gifts to the Davidson County Education Foundation can be designated in memory or honor of someone, to a current project, or to the Foundation’s endowment fund to provide educational possibilities for generations.

Bernard Hylton Thomas