Scholarship Opportunities for High School Seniors

The Davidson County Education Foundation awards each year over $35,000 in scholarships to qualifying seniors enrolled in the Davidson County Schools system. Selection criteria, values, and deadlines vary. DCEF scholarships are intended recipients to reach their full potential by continuing their education beyond high school.

Applications are available by clicking the link below or by visiting the student’s high school counselor beginning February 1.

These scholarships are available to seniors attending any Davidson County Schools high school:

  • Peggy Barnhardt Scholarship established for a student who plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career in the field of music.  One time award of $1,000.00
  • E. Lawson Brown Scholarship established for student who is in need of financial assistance and who plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career as a teacher in the public schools.  One time award of $1,000.00
  • Brighter Future Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior in Davidson County Schools who plans to attend a two-year college and who demonstrates financial need, academic achievement, leadership skills and good morals.  One time award of $1,000.00
  • Thad Hartley Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior in the Davidson County Schools who is in need of financial assistance and who plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career in the field of business or business education.  One time award of $500.00
  • Clate Huffman Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior in the Davidson County Schools in need of financial assistance and plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career as a teacher in the public schools. One time award of $600.00
  • Wayne Shoaf/ Home Trust Bank Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior in the Davidson County Schools who is in need of financial assistance and plans to enter a two or four-year degree program pursuing a career in business. Selection will be based upon financial need, school and community service, and the desire to pursue a career in business. One time award of $1,000.00
  • Max Walser Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior in the Davidson County Schools who is in need of financial assistance and who plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career as a teacher in the public schools. Selection will be based upon depth of character, academic potential, community service, and financial need. After completing his/her studies, the recipient will be expected to serve in a field that directly benefits public education in North Carolina, preferably Davidson County.  One time award of $500.00 NOTE:  This scholarship not available for 2025.
  • DCEF Scholarship (Two-Year School) established to assist a deserving senior in the Davidson County Schools who needs financial assistance and plans to enter a two degree program. Selection will be based upon depth of character, academic potential, school/community service, and financial need. One time award of $1,000.00
  • DCEF Scholarship (Four-Year School) established to assist a deserving senior in the Davidson County Schools who needs financial assistance and plans to enter a four-year degree program. Selection will be based upon depth of character, academic potential, school/community service, and financial need. One time award of $1,000.00
  • The Carol Fritts Scholarship is available for teacher assistants employed by Davidson County Schools who are pursuing a 4 year degree in education as well as Davidson County residents who are graduating in the two-year college transfer program from DDCC and have been accepted at a four-year college pursuing teaching degree. Applications are available from school principals beginning February 15, or by request from [email protected]One time award of $1,000.00
  • The Thomas Mathews Scholarship is available to children of employees of SII Dry Kilns. Established in 1995. Beginning in 2004, the scholarship will be awarded annually in an amount up to $1,000.00 to a son or daughter of an employee of SII Dry Kilns. Any qualified employee’s child who is graduating from high school or has graduated and is under the age of 21 and plans to attend an accredited community college or four year college or university in an undergraduate program will be eligible to compete for the scholarship. Employees must have completed the 60 day probation period and continue in the employment of SII for a child to be considered. If employment is terminated prior to the beginning of a school year, the scholarship will terminate at the time employment terminates. If employment terminates after the beginning of a school year, a scholarship previously awarded shall continue for the remainder of that school year. Additional information available from company’s HR Department.

Scholarships available to seniors at Central Davidson High School

  • Robin Whitman Fulp Scholarship established by her family to assist a deserving senior at Central Davidson High School who plans to further his/her education. The student should exhibit high academic standards, show intellectual curiosity, be of good character, have participated in school and community activities and have financial need. A $2000.00 award for the 2025-2026 school year renewable up to four years
  • Jerry Hampton Scholarship established for Central Davidson High School senior athletes. Jerry Hampton was the wrestling and football coach at Central during 1967 until 1977. He firmly believed that his players must not only play well, but also achieve academically. The Jerry Hampton Memorial Scholarship has been established to assist a deserving Central Davidson senior athlete who plans to enter a two-year or a four-year degree program, with preference given to athletes who have maintained a B average or better. Selection will be based upon good citizenship, team-school involvement, and desire for further learning beyond high school.  One time award of $1,000.00
  • Thomas Huss Scholarship established established in 1993 to assist a deserving senior at Central, South, or West Davidson High School who is a leader among his/her peers and who plans to enter a degree program, preferably in the area of math and/or science.  One time award of $500.00
  • Barry & Kathy Weaver Scholarship (Contact your school counselor for more information)

Scholarships available to seniors at East Davidson High School

  • Janet Atwood Scholarship established in 1989 by Ken Atwood in memory of his wife who was a Home Economics teacher at East Davidson for more than 20 years. This scholarship is open to East Davidson seniors who have had at least two courses in Family and Consumer Sciences or other vocational classes, plan to go to a community/technical college (not a four-year degree program) and have a positive academic attitude.  One time award of $1500.00 (or two $750 scholarships as determined by the scholarship committee)
  • E. Tom Kearns Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior at East Davidson High School in need of financial assistance and plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career as a teacher in the public schools. One time award of $850.00
  • Joseph Curry and Audrey Leonard Regan Scholarship Joseph Curry and Audrey Leonard Regan grew up in Davidson County and made Thomasville their lifetime home. They shared the commitment to help make this community a better place in which to live. With beliefs firmly grounded in traditional values that include a strong spiritual foundation, family unity, moral integrity and honest work, Mr. & Mrs. Regan had a positive influence on the many people their lives touched. It is hoped that the recipient of this scholarship will also exemplify these same values and make them guiding principles in their own life. The Joseph Curry & Audrey Leonard Regan Scholarship is established to assist a deserving senior at East Davidson High School who plans to further their education at a four-year institution.  One time award of $500.00
  • Susan Clark Ryan Scholarship established established in 2016 by Ken Atwood in memory of his wife who was a Spanish teacher at East Davidson for 38 years followed by 5 years as an ESL teacher for Davidson County Schools. This scholarship is open to East Davidson Hispanic seniors who plan to further their education at a community, trade or four-year university/college, have a positive academic attitude and strong character, as well as having a financial need. One time award of $1,000.00
  • SOAR Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior from East Davidson High School who has overcome obstacles beyond his/her control. This student may have had reasons to leave school, but chose to persevere to graduation. The student must have a GPA of at least 2.0 and can be furthering their education at a community college, trade school, or four-year institution. One time award of $1,000.00

Scholarships available to seniors at Ledford High School

  • Jamie Berrier Crutchfield Scholarship established in memory of Jamie Berrier Crutchfield by her family. She was a daughter, sister, wife and new mother when she was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma at the age of 25. Jamie fought hard to win her battle, but passed away in November 2011 at the age of 27. She was a wonderful hairdresser and loved what she did. Ledford and North Davidson High School seniors desiring to further their education are invited to apply for the Jamie Berrier Crutchfield Scholarship. One time award of $1,000.00
  • Berry & Kathy Weaver Scholarship (Contact your school counselor for more information)

Scholarships available to seniors at North Davidson High School

  • Jamie Berrier Crutchfield Scholarship established in memory of Jamie Berrier Crutchfield by her family. She was a daughter, sister, wife and new mother when she was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma at the age of 25. Jamie fought hard to win her battle, but passed away in November 2011 at the age of 27. She was a wonderful hairdresser and loved what she did. Ledford and North Davidson High School seniors desiring to further their education are invited to apply for the Jamie Berrier Crutchfield Scholarship.  One time award of $1,000.00
  • Denny Fordham Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior at North Davidson High School who plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career in the field of music. One time award of $1,000.00
  • Rebecca Hartman Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior at North Davidson High School who needs financial assistance and plans to enter a four-year degree program pursuing a career as a public school teacher. One time award of $1,000.00
  • Randall Hill Scholarship established for students entering the field of horticulture or vocational technology. Horticulture will be the preferred field of endeavor; however, applicants for a vocational field will also be considered. This scholarship has been established to assist a deserving senior at North Davidson High School
    or Thomasville High School who plans to enter an accredited program at either a community college or four-year college pursuing a degree in one of the stated career fields. One time award of $500.00
  • Nicholas Vincent Melomo Scholarship (Contact your school counselor for more information)
  • Mike Lambros Scholarship established to honor the memory of the late Mike Lambros, softball coach at North Davidson High School. Applicants must have at least 3.5 weighted GPA, have participated in varsity sports for at least one year, have community and extracurricular involvement, exhibit leadership, sportsmanship, a positive attitude, perseverance, self- motivation, and a determination to succeed. One time award of $1,000.00
  • Don Palmer Scholarship established in 2008 by his family and friends to assist a deserving senior at North Davidson High School who is interested in teaching and/or coaching students. Mr. Palmer served as coach, teacher, assistant principal, principal, and central coordinator and director in the Davidson County School System. He also served on the Davidson County Board of Education as vice-chairman and chairman. One time award of $1,000.00

Scholarships available to seniors at South Davidson High School

  • Jack Briggs Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior at South Davidson High School who demonstrates solid personal character, need for financial assistance and plans to attend a community college or university. This scholarship is in memory of Jack Briggs who served on the Davidson County Board of Education, serving many years as Chairman of the Board.  One time award of $1,000.00
  • Charles & Ruth Hoover Scholarship established in the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Hoover. Mr. Hoover was a native of Denton who followed in his father’s footsteps by continuing the family furniture and funeral business. The Charles C. & Ruth J. Hoover Scholarship recognizes a South Davidson student who plans to further his/her education. The selection process is based on interest, financial need, academic achievement, and community or civic involvement. One time award of $500.00
  • Thomas Huss Scholarship established established in 1993 to assist a deserving senior at Central, South, or West Davidson High School who is a leader among his/her peers and who plans to enter a degree program, preferably in the area of math and/or science.  One time award of $500.00
  • Wildcat Pride Scholarship awarded to a member of the senior class of South Davidson High School who has overcome obstacles created by himself/herself and/or obstacles beyond his/her control. This student had reasons and situations that could have caused them to give up and quit school, but he/she chose to stay and is now graduating. The student can be planning to attend a community college, trade school, or four-year institution and should have a GPA of at least 2.0. One time award of $500.00

Scholarships available to seniors at West Davidson High School

  • Jim Hunt Scholarship established to assist a deserving senior athlete at West Davidson High School who needs financial assistance and plans to enter a degree program to further his/her education. One time award of $350.00
  • Thomas Huss Scholarship established established in 1993 to assist a deserving senior at Central, South, or West Davidson High School who is a leader among his/her peers and who plans to enter a degree program, preferably in the area of math and/or science.  One time award of $500.00
  • Horace and Lucille Myers Scholarship (DDCC) established to assist a deserving senior at West Davidson High School who plans to attend Davidson-Davie Community College and has exhibited potential for future achievement. One year award of $500.00
  • Horace and Lucille Myers Scholarship (Four-Year School) established to assist a deserving senior at West Davidson High School who plans to pursue a four-year degree and who has exhibited the potential for future achievement. One time award of $2,500.00